Thursday, October 25, 2007

Criss Angel Viral!

Maybe you already received an email from a friend asking you to click on a link and then get to a video of Criss Angel almost telling your name! Cool marketing! We see more and more of this kind of advertisements. If you don't know Angel, its a kind of hardcore magician on TV. So, get in touch with sexy Criss by clicking here. The phone may ring!!! Freak your mind grrr!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dieux du Stade: 2008!

The 2008 Dieux du Stade Calendar is here! Currently available since Sept.-6 in Europe, it will be available in America very soon! 33 pictures by Steven Klein and the topic is a kind of ancient epic games. A delight all in colours. Make sure to visit .And find more pics here.

Sexy Spock, Indeed!

This is just ridiculous, but handsome, modification of Star Trek Spock! Spock, and Captain Kirk are involved in an homo-erotic fiction over the Internet for some years. I am myself a fan of the Star Trek universe and I must admit I did find Spock sexy and I am sure my mother did find Captain Kirk really sexy years ago! Anyway, the cast of the upcoming new Star Trek due to Xmas 2008 is full of sexy and handsome actors: Zachary Quinto as Spock, John Cho as Sulu and the ultra-exciting Eric Bana as a vilain Romulan. See them all on

Also, you must see Star Trek: The Hidden Frontier! Funny!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Adam Rickitt: No! He is Not Gay?

Come on!?

I was on a website I don't remember when his face just came to me like a gost. A sexy gost, indeed!

Adam Rickitt: born May 29, 1978 (he is 29) in the Cheshire (it's in England). Best known for his role in Coronation Street. He is also a pop singer. I Breathe Again was # 5 in he UK Top 10 chart (recorded by Mandy Moore, btw). In he video, he appears almost naked.. I know pop stars want to do anything to get their name every where, but come on.. it's too much for me! See for yourself:

And he is also a model.. it's obvious duh! His body was on the covers of Attiude (a gay mag) and Cosmopolitian (another gay mag!)!

He flirted with the Conversative Party. A complicated story, actually, I invite you to read a more complete paper here and here. But the real question I am asking myself is where he is now? I know he is doing some stuff such as Shortland Street, but at 29, does he have a girlfriend, or even a boyfriend or maybe both! He just looks to perfect to me. According to this blog, Sexy Rickitt has been arrested for thef in New Zealand. A question of sauce and a story to follow! The candid part of my brain wants pics, raunchy pics! But I am a happy, at least, because on his website, he says: [...] and also am hoping to have a web cam diary up and running soon to make things more fun. Great! But seriously, I think he is the perfect No! I am Not Gay guy! Visit his website: .