Thursday, August 9, 2007

Harlow Cuadra & Joseph Kerekes!

Ok, I can say I know enough about porn to support a casual conversation, but I was not aware of that-a- all! The porn stars killed their producer, Bryan Kocis, owner of Cobra Video. Brent Corrigan (Sean Lockhart) is also involved in this case. Police think they killed Kocis in a misguided effort to strike it big. Read the Affidavit here. Authorities claim that the two men murdered Kocis as part of a plan to get Corrigan to work for their adult film company. Evidence against the two suspects reportedly includes surveillance recordings of conversations in which one of the accused discussed details of the murder with Corrigan after the fact. But.. Harlow Cuadra has a blog! Yea! You can follow his adventures and donate to the Free Harlow Cuadra Defense Fund! Joseph Kerekes claims he is innocent. Well, where is the Gay Mafia!? Find out more on MySpace. Harlow on the pic!


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